Magazine Spread - CiRCE Institute
A few behind-the-scenes images from a recent title spread for the 2017 CiRCE Magazine.
The title of Brian Phillips' article is "The School as Tapestry: The Six Dimensions of School Life". I knew I wanted to include both the numeral "6" and "Tapestry", but all my initial designs were falling far short. You know that feeling you get when you just know there is SOMETHING great out there but you just can't seem to find it? Yeah, that.
I'm not sure how the "string art" came into my mind, but my guess is that it was back there in the recesses from some past inspiration. I knew it wouldn't be a "tapestry" proper, but my hope was that it would evoke the feeling of weaving, which I think it accomplishes.
From there It was a matter of deciding on the colors of the string/wood and deciding on a lighting scheme. The teal on rich brown just made too much sense from a "pop" perspective, and I used a single large window in my outdoor shed/studio.
Very minimal post processing was needed, which is always a victory.